Daily Archives: March 12, 2008

Good old qhqRvjRmuMlsucQs02zzBg7BjqU…

If you use the Yahoo OpenID provider to sign into twitterfeed.com, you see something like:

Logged in as https://me.yahoo.com/a/qhqRvjRmuMlsucQs02zzBg7BjqU-#0a86b

Welcome, glad you could make it!

You are now logged into twitterfeed.comPlease take a note of your exact OpenID URL as shown above – you’ll need it if you want to come back later to add or remove twitter feeds

I assume that by “take a note of” they mean “cut and paste into a text file for later reference”.

It’s all about control

There is this article on Identity 2.0 adoption. From the article:

Analyst group Kuppinger Cole and Partner analysed the 10 predominant topics and trends in identity management in 2008.

Identity 2.0 continues to receive the support and influence of industry giants, including Yahoo, Google, Microsoft and IBM.

I would point out that of this group only Yahoo actually supports OpenID on a web site, and then only as a provider. So far I am unaware of any major web destination that is supporting OpenID as relying party. The major players are all vying to control the user identity by making their web site the starting page for the OpenID sessions.


That’s not what I would consider Identity 2.0 adoption.