Daily Archives: October 23, 2007

An Elf Steals Amazon’s One-click Patent

The USPTO recently reviewed and ultimately struck down the Amazon one-click patent. This story is fascinating because the patent review was funded by a New Zealand actor who collected private donations. And here is the cool part. The actor did uncredited motion capture for Elves and Orcs used in the battle sequences for the Lord of the Rings movies.

Maybe next he’ll get medieval on Google’s Data-center-in-box Patent.

(Mirrored from TalkBMC)

Inconvenient Responses

Here is a list of 25 errors in Al Gore’s bit of propaganda. I haven’t seen the movie so I can’t comment on how much of a movie would be left if Mr Gore had to correct each of these.

John Stossel also has some things to say about it. His interviews with the children are quite disturbing. To think that parents and teachers would do that to these children is quite sad.